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SAND Understanding

Updated: Nov 14

As, part of our product/services Our use of materials are CE Certified. as you see on our site, we use materials that are used directly on some of the most iconic Building's here In the uk. Tailored to the heritage sector as well as domestic sector. the advantages of these are highly great.

So, what is it you need to understand as a homeowner as well as what sand would be good for your property? sands are very important when pointing. not only the texture but the type of coarse it comes in.

We here at MH use three different type. Smooth, Medium and coarse.

So, why is the ratio, of lime to sand so important? these have a baring and depends on the void space in the sand. The lime/putty must fill the void space(for example brick or stone mortar joints)

so too much lime will push the sand particles apart, and too little lime will leave holes in the mortar.(Strength's)

The sand should be well graded, containing both fine and coarse particles. A sharp sand is preferred over rounded aggregates because it provides a better bond. Too much grit will make the mix poorly bound, while too many fines will make it weaker and take longer to dry.

Now, one of our pet hates, is when Homeowners receive a service where cracks on the lime pointing, appear early in the process of applying the pointing mixture. or when the pointing has been pushed back and the finish looks like its been rushed. rushing the process or simply applying it wrong can really have potential serious defect effects on your property long or short term.

Finding out a little about the products, Ratio's and sand's can benefit your Home.

See Below a poor example of Application pointing as well as the finishing. see how the poor quality around the stone and brick are visible. notice how there is a heavy coarse sand ratio used.

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